It has been a while since I last posted something over here so I thought I'd write a little update on what has been going on.
So a few weeks ago I decided that instead of three years I will be graduating after 3,5 years of upper secondary school.
In Finnish class we had to follow a news and how different newspapers and medias told about news' subject. This assignment was done in groups of three. Our group's subject was the crisis of Ukraine, we chose the subject because we thought it would be current. Today instead of having an exam we had to have a presentation to the class. During Finnish courses we also have the opportunity to go and see a theatre performance (this isn't possible in every school) so våwe went to see the play Supernaiivi at Ryhmäteatteri in Helsinki
So as you might've understood our second exam week started today with our Finnish "exam" tomorrow I've got health education and luckily I have Thursday and Friday off:). On Saturday I have my social studies exam that luckily has two essays because we did one of the exam excercises in advance during our last class yesterday in electronical form.These electronical exams will be becoming more used because the matriculation examination is changing in to electronical form starting in year 2016.
Next week I've only got my English test and the third period will be starting in a week on Wednesday. =)