Hey there! I thought I'd write a quick update on what has been going on :)
Last Tuesday we had our second visiting afternoon for 9th graders. There wasn't as many as there was the week before but there were a lot. This year we have had the most visiting 9th graders in a long time =D
So as you know we are in the middle of the third exam week of this school year. I've had three tests already (Finnish, physics & biology) and I have three left (Swedish, chemistry & geography)
Our Finnish test wasn't like a normal test. We had our test in EMMA (the museum of modern-art). In EMMA we had to fill in a paper with five questions and we had to use the things and knowledge that we had learned during our course. This was my fifth Finnish course and we had to study about literature and the literary movements (The Antiquity - postmodern).
For my Swedish & English or for any other language's test I use Google's study app called Quizlet. Quizlet is an app where you can write a word and an explanation or an translation for the word. Then you can choose between different studying techniques (games) which one you want to use for studying. Quizlet can also be acceseed via a computer or a smartphone or a tablet (An app is available for your mobile devices). I really like using Quizlet because it makes studying easier and you can even search for other people's wordlists and use them for your studying. (This is not an advert for Quizlet or Google, this is me telling about how I study)
Just a friendly reminder for all you 9th graders "Yhteishaku" is almost here and if you're still thinking of what school you want to go to go and have a look on Instagram: @jylla_tapahtumat, the school website jylla.fi and on Facebook: Espoonlahden lukio for more pictures and information.
This is a very inspirational quote for me and for anyone really=D. Especially if you have a dream or a goal just remember you can't achieve anything unless you try=)!