During this Q&A two of our students asked the representatives some questions that they could answer Yes, No or ? and some questions were adressed for a specific candidate.
maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2015
The Finnish parliamentary elections
Before Easter the school had arranged for us second year students an hour long question and answer session with 7 candidates that were participating in the Finnish parliamentary elections. The seven candidates were Inka Hopsu Vihr.(the Greens), Sanna Lauslahti Kok.(The National Coalition Party), Säde Tahvanainen SDP( Social democrats),
Kaarina Järvenpää KD(Christian democrats), Jukka Karhula Vas.(Left Alliance), Ann-Mari Kemell Kesk.(The Centre Party of Finland) and Simon Elo PS.(Finns party) unfortunately we didn't have a candidate from RKP (Swedish language party).
During this Q&A two of our students asked the representatives some questions that they could answer Yes, No or ? and some questions were adressed for a specific candidate.
During this Q&A two of our students asked the representatives some questions that they could answer Yes, No or ? and some questions were adressed for a specific candidate.
Our school was the first school in Espoo to try out this new studying method if you could say.
So what is joustoviikko then?
During joustoviikko you have school from 8am to 4pm everyday for one week. You can choose from about 10 different courses one that you want to attend English, Swedish, biology, French , physics and chemistry etc. Then for one week you'll have that subject and you will get a course for it. Some courses where "easier" than others for example in biology we studied in the mornings and did our own presentations in the afternoon but in some other courses the lessons were held in a museum or in a cafe.
Joustoviikko was a fun and new experience for us and we'll have to see what is going to happen in the future.
Here are some pictures from different courses that were held during joustoviikko, hope you enjoy!
During joustoviikko you have school from 8am to 4pm everyday for one week. You can choose from about 10 different courses one that you want to attend English, Swedish, biology, French , physics and chemistry etc. Then for one week you'll have that subject and you will get a course for it. Some courses where "easier" than others for example in biology we studied in the mornings and did our own presentations in the afternoon but in some other courses the lessons were held in a museum or in a cafe.
Joustoviikko was a fun and new experience for us and we'll have to see what is going to happen in the future.
Here are some pictures from different courses that were held during joustoviikko, hope you enjoy!
More pictures on Instagram: @jylla_tapahtumat an here is If you understand Finnish so that you can read more about joustoviikko at www.bit.ly/jyllajousto
The beginning of the fifth period
So our fifth period started a few weeks ago, in this period I've got English, Swedish, Finnish, physics, biology, religion and maths. Not long to the summer holiday, only one exam week and then we'll have our well earned 10 week holiday =)
We had three weeks of the fifth period and then we had "joustoviikko" (check my next post to read more about it). Before joustoviikko we tutors went to Stockholm as a thank you for our hard work and to also plan the next term and the future of our school =). I'm really excited about our ideas and hopefully we'll get to execute some of them =D.
We are having a few exciting events still before the summer holiday like our shool's annual musical and some other events.
Here's a nice little quote to finish off this post =)
We had three weeks of the fifth period and then we had "joustoviikko" (check my next post to read more about it). Before joustoviikko we tutors went to Stockholm as a thank you for our hard work and to also plan the next term and the future of our school =). I'm really excited about our ideas and hopefully we'll get to execute some of them =D.
We are having a few exciting events still before the summer holiday like our shool's annual musical and some other events.
Here's a nice little quote to finish off this post =)
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