keskiviikko 11. maaliskuuta 2015

Early spring

There's only one week left of the fourth period and then it's exam week again. I'll have six tests during the exam and then one afterwards. 

In the 6th English course we need to do a survey or a presentation about a topic of your choice. I'm doing with one of my friend a survey on Social media. We've started our survey with doing a question sheet on Google forms to gather up answers from anyone who wants tomparticipate in our study. Next we'll go through the answers and do a summary of them. Then we'll turn in the study for our teacher to vheck it and to evaluate it. The survey/presentation is a part of our course grade. English isn't the only subject where you need to do a presentation, I've done presentations in Russian class, Finnish, health education and earlier English courses.

Last week we had a lecture by Kai Mykkänen about the situation in Ukraine and what is Russia's part in the situation. This was the first of a series of lectures that we are calling Studia Generalia. We'll have more of these kind of lectures of current events.

Not long until it's our Summer holiday but before that one more period left =). And lots more events that you can read about here or you can look at pictures on our Instagram page @jylla_tapahtumat or Facebook: Espoonlahden lukio.