maanantai 27. huhtikuuta 2015


Our school was the first school in Espoo to try out this new studying method if you could say. 
So what is joustoviikko then?

During joustoviikko you have school from 8am to 4pm everyday for one week. You can choose from about 10 different courses one that you want to attend English, Swedish, biology, French , physics and chemistry etc. Then for one week you'll have that subject and you will get a course for it. Some courses where "easier" than others for example in biology we studied in the mornings and did our own presentations in the afternoon but in some other courses the lessons were held in a museum or in a cafe.

Joustoviikko was a fun and new experience for us and we'll have to see what is going to happen in the future.

Here are some pictures from different courses that were held during joustoviikko, hope you enjoy!

More pictures on Instagram: @jylla_tapahtumat an here is If you understand Finnish so that you can read more about joustoviikko at

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